2022 PayPal Refund Method: 1. Run ccleaner before doing this if on pc. Else you can just clear all your browser data, works just as good. 2. Log in and out of your PayPal acc 3-4 times using a VPN. 3. Go to the sute you wanna refund using a VPN. 4. Checkout with PayPal 5. Don't log into your PayPal until the stuff arrives. 6. Now 1-2 days after your oder has arrived, open a dispute using your normal IP address aka no VPN saying it was an unauthorized transaction and make up a little story to make it more believable & basically make them feel bad about it happening. 7. Should get refunded if you did everything correct, 100% success rate for me while using this method :) NOTE: You can only use this methods once per PayPal account.